Horizontal Black and White Striped T-Shirt: "Mariniere Parisienne"


The Horizontal Black and White Striped T-Shirt, named "Mariniere Parisienne," draws inspiration from the classic Breton stripes traditionally worn by French sailors and popularized in Parisian fashion.

Fit Note: Fits Ellowyne, Neema, and Grace

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The Horizontal Black and White Striped T-Shirt, named "Mariniere Parisienne," draws inspiration from the classic Breton stripes traditionally worn by French sailors and popularized in Parisian fashion.

Fit Note: Fits Ellowyne, Neema, and Grace

The Horizontal Black and White Striped T-Shirt, named "Mariniere Parisienne," draws inspiration from the classic Breton stripes traditionally worn by French sailors and popularized in Parisian fashion.

Fit Note: Fits Ellowyne, Neema, and Grace

Black Tank Top: "Débardeur Noir de Paris"
Blue and White Striped Shirt: "Marinière Bleu"
BACK IN STOCK! White Tank Top: "Débardeur Blanc de Saint-Tropez"
Two-Piece Swimsuit (Yellow and White Stripes): "Bikini Soleil de Provence"
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NEW LISTING! Parisian Chic White Button-Down (Fits Ellowyne and Grace!)