How is this Convention Virtual?

This Convention is virtual because it is hosted entirely online either in a private Facebook Group, or through private links on YouTube. You do not need Facebook to participate, just internet, and a way to receive links and emails. All of the videos, content, and resources are posted inside this group (and on private links on YouYube) and shared over email. Each day during the Convention, you receive a follow-up email with direct links to what happened so you can review at your own pace.

The SALESROOM is hosted inside a Facebook group, so you will need to join Facebook for that portion if you choose to. That is the only component that requires Facebook.

What if I am busy or can't be online during all or a portion of the Convention dates?

Do not worry! You can review the content hours, days, or weeks later with unlimited REPLAYS! Show it to your doll clubs, have fun and ENJOY at your own pace. The content stays inside the group and on YouTube. You can review it at any time that works for you. There is no reason not to register because you aren't available during specific timeframes - you can catch the content at your own pace at any point that works for you. You can even register for past Conventions and relive them right from start to finish!

How does the salesroom work?

Each seller has their own photo album inside the Event Facebook Group. Buyers can purchase items on a first-come, first-served basis. A buyer comments “SOLD” on a photo to claim it, and then works with the seller to arrange payment. The selling is a ‘pop-up’ type event and lasts for three days. The Facebook Group Salesroom is the only facet of the event where one would need to participate through Facebook. Please refer to your event schedule for the dates and times of the salesroom as it changes with every convention.

Why is the Convention on Facebook and YouTube instead of somewhere else?

Facebook and YouTube are free platforms where you can easily register and join the Convention Group to participate. It keeps our costs down, and it is easy to use. Participants do not have to download software or open any accounts other than Facebook or YouTube. On Facebook, it provides a private Convention group where participants can participate, comment, and interact in real-time. On YouTube, you will enjoy private links where you can comment and interact. Facebook and YouTube are platforms where someone can be as involved as they want. You can take as much or as little as you want from the platforms. We currently do not host the Convention anywhere else. We promise you will love it!

I am a private person and do not feel comfortable joining Facebook, but I still want to attend this Virtual Convention.

Totally understandable! We offer a viewing option through YouTube. NO Facebook required. The only thing you won’t be able to do is the salesroom buying because that takes place inside the Event Facebook Group.

If you want to take the Facebook plunge, you can create an account under a nickname, and you do not have to post a photo of yourself or share any personal information when opening an account. If this convention was not on Facebook, you would still have to open an account somewhere else and download the software so we recommend giving Facebook a shot. There are many people just like you who have taken the leap and are so glad they did. We promise…it is totally worth it! We ARE in the process of adding E-learning capability to this website which will enable you to view the content but you will miss out on the community, comments, and sharing. So - this is a nudge to think about Facebook as an option. There is zero risks in trying it out.

I haven't received any emails from you with instructions but I registered and paid. What do I do?

This sometimes happens when an email address gets inputted wrong when registering so please email us right away to update your email address in our database. OR the emails could be in your JUNK folder so check there and mark them as safe! Email info@virtualdollconvention.com and we will help!

Where can I learn more?

I love this interview with Worthpoint and would love you to take a read!

Questions? Reach out to info@virtualdollconvention.com

When is the next event?

We are working behind the scenes to create magic! Refresh the VDC Event Schedule for the latest developments.