5 Tips to Get the Dolls YOU Want Online | Virtual Doll Convention

Across the internet, we see an unprecedented amount of online doll shows. Each is run a little differently, but they all have an opportunity to find a unique treasure. The upcoming Summer Fling Salesroom offers buyers a chance to shop from sellers in every niche with a variety of budgets. From a small doll accessory or even a cute pair of earrings for yourself to a Patti PlayPal, or exquisite French doll, there is something for every shopper at the Virtual Doll Convention Summer Fling. This blog gives you five ways to get ahead of the game and help you get what you want while you shop.

Robert Tonner VDC Grace Marie Fitzpatrick trying on the exclusive line of shoes available at the Summer Fling

Robert Tonner VDC Grace Marie Fitzpatrick trying on the exclusive line of shoes available at the Summer Fling

1) Do Your Homework on the Seller Ahead of Time - the Summer Fling salesroom list of vendors is posted, which means you can go through and see what general type of inventory they might have for sale. Go through and look at the names, visit the websites, do a little stalking into the Seller - they won't mind! This gives you a chance to imprint the Seller name and offerings in your brain, so when you see their virtual booth pop up, you will know immediately if you want to shop or spend your energy somewhere else. Some sellers offer something different every time, but most have their specialties that you can look forward to.

2) Network. Get to know the Seller. It is a good idea if you want something special that you know this particular Seller is offering, making a connection ahead of time. Send a "get to know you" email. Include a list of your wants! Many sellers love to know what you want, and you never know, they might have it in their backrooms and offer it to you. Networking is everything - get out on the digital streets and make some connections. The sellers are the ones that have deep connections to get the inventory, so you want to be friendly with them. Ask about their payment options and layaway terms ahead of time so you can prepare. Be kind and always remember, you get what you want with sugar, not vinegar.

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3) Plan a Little Wiggle Room. I completely understand what it is like to budget and think it is a crucial thing to do. I do it all the time with my business and personal finances. Buuuuuuuutttttt sometimes, you need a LITTLE wiggle room when something spectacular comes your way. It is usually unexpected, and most times, more than you planned to spend. We all know this story, right? The good news is, many sellers will let you use a couple of credit cards or make payments. In the past, I have overpaid for things I REALLY wanted, but I have yet to regret it. So, don't feel guilty about giving yourself a little extra breathing for the unexpected. "When you buy the best - you only cry once." Michael's Portuguese Grandmother. Most important - never settle and make sure it is WHAT YOU WANT.

4) Take a Chance. Sometimes something speaks to you, and it is entirely different from what NORMALLY speaks to you. Know the feeling? I do! That is your intuition telling you to take a chance and explore more! If you have always been a die-hard antique collector but that BJD is calling your name, take a chance and try it! If you have always collected modern fashion dolls but that Armand Marseille German antique doll is speaking your language go for it. You can always switch gears in your collecting journey. Nothing is ever off-limits, and never be afraid to take a chance and try something new. I love it when a collection has something unexpected or is filled with great juxtapositions. The only person that it matters to when buying something is YOU. So have fun, and don't be afraid to take a chance when something looks fun.

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5) Manifest. Thoughts become things! I know this one is out there, but I am a big fan of manifesting. I think about what I want and how to get it ALL the time, and there is nothing wrong with that. It is good to do it, and never feel guilty for thinking about the things you want. It keeps me excited about the future, keeps my wheels turning, and, I believe, helps me get what I want. You can't get what you want if you don't believe it first. Say it out loud. Think about it when you garden or cook dinner. Put the vibes out there in the universe. I believe many things in life flow to those who are open and ready for them. So, if there is something you want, start manifesting them in your mind.

I hope some of these tips helped as you navigate the online waters. Of course, there are always the typical, more common sense tips such a - buy from a reputable source; if it is too good to be true, it probably is. Always go with your gut, do your research, and remember, knowledge is power. The upcoming salesroom at the Virtual Doll Convention Summer Fling is full of fabulous sellers. Check out our lineup, start manifesting, and be prepared to GET WHAT YOU WANT! Register for the Summer Fling for only $15.00 for ALL of the fun!