Ellowyne Wilde Collector Questions Answered by Robert Tonner
It's an exciting time for doll collectors worldwide with the release of the 2021 Ellowyne Wilde Doll Collection. Many collectors have some burning questions, and Robert Tonner sat down and answered 10 of them in this blog.
Baby Doll Basic Blonde Ellowyne Wilde. Photo by Dolldom Photography.
1) The girls, Ellowyne, Amber, Prudence, Lizette, share the same birthday--October 31st. Why?
I can't really say. There is something about Prudence's mother being a bit psychic and visions of past relatives--that sort of thing--kind of explains their bond--there is something otherworldly about it. Or, it's just a really weird coincidence. :)
2) Is Ellowyne still in therapy?
Absolutely. I believe she's overdue for a therapy diary entry. Ennui does not go away quickly, but she's working on it.
3) Who really won Ellowyne's heart? Rufus or Penn?
I don't think anything has been settled. Sure, Penn's better looking than Rufus, but has anyone ever been as nice to Ellowyne s Rufus has? But I'm not taking sides.
Taking Shape Ellowyne wearing “Turning Heads” outfit. Photo by Dolldom Photography.
4) What was the inspiration for the girls' names - Ellowyne, Prudence, Amber, and Lizette?
When I was developing Ellowyne, I looked for a name I could use that wasn't already being used by another company for dolls. At the time, Mattel and MGA had used up all the common names--which was okay with me because I thought this new doll should have a unique name. I like to use vintage/historic names because, in a way, they sound new now. Anyway, after much thought, the doll was named. Gwendolyn Wilde. As you all know, that's not how it turned out. It seems that the name "Gwendolyn" was being used by a toy company for something called Gwendolyn Goose. Anyway, we had to make up a name. I believe Michelle Hodge's daughter came up with Ellowyne. (Michelle used to work with me). The other names were easier--just wanted names that fit into the Wilde world.
Basic Blonde Ellowyne wearing Face Time outfit | Photo by Dolldom Photography
5) What made you want to bring Ellowyne back to us?
I never really wanted to let her go, and of all the dolls I've done, she is my favorite character. Design-wise, she really pushed me to be more creative, and I still love designing for her. There are business reasons too. It's really difficult to do dolls these days that are relatively reasonably priced. I had to set up a new way of producing dolls, by myself, without my company (and it's taken me a while to do that). I didn't want to stop doing dolls altogether, and Ellowyne is a character I can handle doing by myself. Of course, it also helps that Rachel became a fan and can spread the word! Plus, I really don't think that collectors were finished with her.
6) Is Freddie still around?
Absolutely. He's a bit more grown-up, but he still has a touch of that nasty pyromania. Although she loves him very much, Freddy is the bane of her existence.
7) Has Amber calmed down, or is she still mean to Ellowyne?
Ellowyne hasn't said. However, although they have had breakthroughs in their relationship, Amber still has a tendency to be, well, mean.
Amber wearing Ello’s “Facetime” outfit. Photo by Dolldom Photography.
Amber wearing Ello’s “Babydoll Basic” ensemble. Photo by Dolldom Photography
8) Did Ellowyne get any more pets besides Sybil.
Sadly, no. Ellowyne doesn't trust Sybil with other animals. Do you know how Lizette loves birds and has many? Well, suffice to say that Sybil is no longer welcome at Lizette's house.
9) Where does Ellowyne get all these amazing fashions to wear?
Ellowyne has a great eye and picks up a lot of things at thrift stores and re-makes them (excellent sewer). Also, her grandmother owns a design firm--her line has a classic feel, but she loves to send Ellowyne samples she picks up from all over the world. Ellowyne has more clothes than she can ever wear, and she is very generous with them to her friends. Also, she has a tendency to overdress but feels as long as the outfit makes her happy; she doesn't care what anyone thinks.
2021 Ellowyne Collection - photo by Dolldom Photography